In the press

Warum grauer Beton so schillernd ist

Karen Scrivener, Leiterin des Labors für Baumaterialien an der EPFL in Lausanne, forscht über Baustoffe, die unser Leben prägen und es bald nachhaltig verbessern sollen – was noch nicht der Fall ist. Ursprünglich veröffentlicht in der NZZ Knallharte Materie – das liegt ihr. Karen Scrivener ist eine renommierte Exper­ tin […]

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BBC-Podcast covering LC3

On 15 March, BBC released a new podcast of its “The Climate Question” about concrete. It includes interviews with Prof Karen Scrivener and the podcast presents LC3 as a major technology to reduce CO2-emissions globally. Click here for the link:

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Bill Gates and Bloomberg highlight LC3

In a recent article in Bloomberg, Bill Gates highlighted the importance of Low-carbon cements for climate action and the work of EPFL on LC3 was pointed out. The full interview from 15 February 2020 can be accessed here:

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Bloomberg article on LC3

Last week, Bloomberg published an article on LC3 in their series “Bloomberg Green”. The publication shows the potential and the importance of the technology world-wide. Find the direct link here:

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LC3 TED-talk

On 10 Oct, TED publishes its series on climate change. Karen Scrivener was invited to present the breakthrough-technology Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC3). Other speakers include Prince William, United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres and Al Gore For the full program, click here:

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Escambray: Un cemento para el Nobel

Desde hace casi una década, expertos cubanos y suizos dirigidos por el profesor Fernando Martirena amasan la idea de producir el primer cemento ecológico cubano, un proyecto que pudiera germinar este año en la fábrica Siguaney. Lea más aquí

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