LC3 News

NZZ broadcast documentary on Green Cement

Prof. Karen Scrivener featured in a documentary by NZZ Format, broadcast by Swiss media outlet SRF1. The following documentary (30min) is in German, with subtitles that can be automatically translated (see below). Green concrete – will the climate killer become a climate saver? Concrete – a modern building material: houses, […]

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US government announces $6 billion initiative

Biden-Harris administration announces $6 billion to transform America’s industrial sector, strengthen domestic manufacturing, and slash planet-warming emissions The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced 33 projects across more than 20 states to decarbonize energy-intensive industries. For #cement and #concrete that’s: Out of the 6 projects, 3 are to develop #LC3 in California, Virginia, Maryland, Georgia and Texas, […]

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Karen Scrivener receives honorary doctorate from TU/e

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) has announced that Karen Scrivener, head of the Laboratory of Construction Materials in the School of Engineering, will receive an honorary doctorate from the Dutch institution for her scientific contributions to the field of building materials. According to a TU/e press release, the institution honors […]

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Karen Scrivener appointed to United Nations SDG group

Karen Scrivener has been selected by the United Nations Secretary-General for the Group of Ten High-level Representatives of Civil Society, Private Sector and Scientific Community to Promote Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (10-Member Group). The 10-Member Group forms part of the Technology Facilitation Mechanism (TFM), which […]

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Myths of low carbon concrete

RILEM Association’s ROC&TOC webinar “Myths of low carbon concrete”. Continuing her series of lectures on common myths, Prof. Scrivener looks at some of the claims for low carbon materials and exposes some common myths. She also talks about frameworks to assess claims for new materials concentrating on scalability and cost. […]

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LC3 Wins Award at COP28

Karen Scrivener and the LC3 Project housed at EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) were recognised as an Energy Transition Changemaker, winning an award! During the Changemakers Heavy Emitting Sectors session at COP28 in UAE, Karen Scrivener shared essential information about the LC3 Project: its purpose is to accompany producers, […]

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