Since 2014, the LC3-Project has been generously supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Since then, the project team has succeeded in bringing an idea from scratch, to lab trials and now to full large-scale productions of the ground-breaking Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC3).

The project goal is to achieve as many CO2-reductions as possible in the closest possible time in order to combat climate change. Therefore, it is crucial to roll LC3 out globally as soon as possible.

In order to be able accelerate the implementation of the LC3-technology and to make a contribution to decarbonise the cement industry, we are always open to enter new partnerships with

  • Academia to increase and spread the expertise about the LC3-innovation
  • Policy to work together on incentives that can support the uptake of green technologies such as LC3
  • Industry to make the actual production and utilisation of LC3 happen
  • Donors to support the LC3-Project in further accelerating its activities

For ideas or enquiries, please write to