Prof. Karen Scrivener opened the 4th LC3-Doctoral School from 03rd to 06th April at EPFL, Lausanne. We are happy to welcome 35 participants from 18 countries who will learn about the use of blended cements. The programme covers aspects of hydration of blended cements and the physicochemical characterisation of supplementary cementitious […]
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Cuba produce an ecologic cement which is cheaper and more resistant
Según datos internacionales, la fabricación mundial de cemento supera las cuatro mil 400 millones de toneladas y es responsable de entre el cinco y ocho por ciento de las emisiones de carbono a la atmósfera, una realidad que pudiera cambiar con la introducción del LC3. Para leer más, haga click […]
Read MoreInterview with Wilfredo Prieto – a Cuban artist using LC3 in his projects
“Gracias al mundo científico se utilizará para su construcción el cemento LC3, un producto de muy bajo costo” Wilfredo Prieto, uno de los más importantes creadores contemporáneos cubanos, representado por galerías del Primer Mundo, comparte con JR sobre su quehacer Lea mas aqui
Read MoreSRF: Reducing CO2-emissions in the building material sector
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Read MoreNZZ: Green cement to combat climate change
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Read MoreLC3 named as a key technology to significantly reduce CO2-emissions
El hormigón es, actualmente, el material más consumido en el mundo después del agua y, por su trascendencia, debe merecer la atención de los gobiernos y de las empresas, señala José Fernando Martirena, profesor de la Universidad Central Marta Abreu, de Las Villas, Cuba, ponente invitado al Simposio Regional de […]
Read More5th Stakeholder Meeting in New Delhi, India
The LC3-project presented its technology and advances during the 5th Stakeholder Meeting at India Habitat Centre in New Delhi. The meeting was held on 06 February 2018 and included presentations from the project partners Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development, EPFL, IIT Delhi, IIT Madras and TARA. In the following representatives […]
Read More4th Stakeholder Meeting at IIT Bombay and introduction to the TRC
The LC3-project concerns Limestone Calcined Clay Cement which has a huge potential to lower CO2 emissions of cementitious materials. Significant progress has been made over the first three years of the project including extensive research, laboratory trials and first industrial productions. These results were shared on 02 February 2018 with an […]
Read MoreLC3-Info Days in India
The LC3-Project is hosting two LC3-Information Days in India. On 02 February 2018 in Mumbai and on 06 February 2018 in Delhi. The format of the LC3-Information Days allows you to receive an overview of the comprehensive advantages of this technology. Presentations will focus on the technical, financial and environmental […]
Read MoreLC3 cited as a “big” example to reduce environmental impact of concrete…
“Big things are happening at Switzerland’s Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), where Construction Materials Laboratory head Karen Scrivener recently announced the development of a new form of cement that may help to further reduce the environmental impact of concrete, along with reusing old concrete materials. The new material is […]
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